Our Capabilities Include:

Roadmap Prioritization & Planning

Define, visualize and socialize your data strategy.  Clearly define goals and expectations to executive and functional leaders.

Master Data Program Development

Improve the consistency and quality of your key data assets in domains such as product, customer, geography, etc.

Key Performance Indicators & Metrics

Discover and define the measurable values that will track the effectiveness of your business and ability to meet objectives.

Data Governance Program Development

Develop practices and procedures ensuring formal management of data assets.

Strategic Assessments

Provide a single source of truth through the examination and remediation of data issues.

A strategy defines a “set of choices and decisions that together, chart a high-level course of action to achieve high-level goals.”  Agilarc applies this definition of strategy to data.  We believe firmly in the use of data for competitive advantage and to support enterprise goals.

Agilarc has senior team members that have both educational and practical backgrounds in setting data strategy driven by business strategy.  We can help you set a strong vision, build your business case, assist you in applying best practices and guiding principles while setting goals for your managed data assets.  Agilarc is also proficient at setting metrics and measures of success for your data management programs and we can help you form these programs and assist in defining key roles and responsibilities​.